The Return on Investment (ROI) for Employee Health and Wellness Programs

Office condition and wellness methods record a median ROI of three, returning $3 for each $1 invested.

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18 thoughts on “The Return on Investment (ROI) for Employee Health and Wellness Programs”

  1. Companies certainly have an incentive to keep their employees healthy but I would argue that the ones who should have the highest incentive should be the employees themselves and if they don't, no amount of tweaking of the healthcare system will help.

  2. The falling life-spans should be a wake up call to America.
    But I fear too many Americans are derped out on junk food to wake up.

    I suspect that a lot of other Western countries are just a few years behind the American curve. And that we'll see falling life spans elsewhere.

    Too many people are dying from ignorance. This channel and Dr Greger's books are in the forefront of the fight against this.

  3. My company has been in the employee incentive and recognition space for over thirty years and about 15 years ago, many of the companies that we did safety programs for decided to add a wellness component. We saw similar numbers with a high of 12 to 1 return on one company. Over the last 5-7 years we've seen a decline in wellness initiatives even thought technology and the ability to track behaviors (which is how we measure) has become a lot easier. Interestingly enough, just having employees do a wellness check once per year yielded the biggest impact of any other behavioral factor in lowering health, safety, absenteeism, etc. Productivity usually got a 4-7% bump as well. Unfortunately (not getting political here) but Obamacare caused many companies to drop many incentives initiatives since it was hard to gauge the increase in healthcare spend even though the ROI of wellness was/is so apparent.

  4. Many foctors are notorious for being ill informed about correcting and or preventing diseases with whole food plant based diets. They are indoctrinated to see symptoms, then prescribe separate meds for each symptom, including more meds for side effects of the previous symptoms; and only think within a tiny box. Unless of course they took a specific course about the subject; such as the Plant Based Nutrition program at Cornell by T. Colin Campbell or experienced the power of proper nutrition firsthand.

  5. Some say people that workout an hour every day end up spending 10 years of their lives exercising which makes it not worth doing cause at the end they won’t live 10 years longer, so the maths doesn’t add up

  6. I haven’t seen a Dr for five years and the last time I did, it was just for blood tests to see how my cholesterol was doing. 6 years vegan and no meds needed. Big pharma and doctors who manage health with drugs have no use for me.

  7. Businesses that are providing employee heath insurance need to become more pro active in promoting employee health.
    The cost to the company and society is enormous.

  8. It is just crazy that Doctors do not get nutrition training in Medical schools.
    Every doctor visit should include some nutrition discussion. The majority of the population is over weight or obese leading to high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer. Schools and hospital cafeterias should be leading the way to good health by setting the example of what is a healthy meal and teaching people what to eat and why.. Every person in the hospital for heart disease should have a nutrition class before being checked out from the hospital with follow up education and training in nutrition. Medicare and Medicaid should require patient nutrition education as part of their standard of care. Nutrition information should be run on the hospital TV channel.

  9. Considering you like helping people, why aren't you talking about the insane amount of these 'excess deaths'… And warning them that they shouldn't put mystery juice in their body.

  10. I have been present when my spouse speaks with his physicians. My husband's heart is bad. We know that is lifestyle caused, but not a word was mentioned by these "people of science?".

  11. This video is fantastic, as are all of those that are uploaded by this channel, but what exactly does a health and wellness program look like? Like what's the money that these ROI calculations are able to return being spent on?

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