Return On Investment (“ROI”)

Go back On Funding (“ROI”)

The quite simple calculation to determine the go back on funding, or, in shorten, “ROI”, may also be very robust with regard to appearing as a flashlight within the unlit. That means, are you making excellent or sinister choices. Most likely your choices might be higher? What’s the go back on funding? How is the go back on funding calculated? Let me give an explanation for.

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45 thoughts on “Return On Investment (“ROI”)”

  1. Is it wise to measure the roi over a 10 hour time frame when working with crypto currency? For example invest £10 into a crypto coin and losing 8% within 10 hours is it reasonable to use roi to measure this?

  2. On the channel, "OneMinuteEconmics", they would've explained this with the ROI being 130% instead of 30% which is so unnecessarily confusing. Your explanation is so thorough as well as easy to understand, it also is captivating, which is vital since i fall asleep with other explanatory videos. Thank you

  3. Hi bro! Are you using auto investment in binance? If so,kindly answer my doubt…eg.,if I'm investing 10dollars per month for 3yrs,then totally I've invested 360USDT BNB coin-ROI-1113.4% ,So totally how much dollars will I get in return?

  4. Leaving a comment so that he gets an encouraging feedback. Very succinct and sophisticated your explanation is. I really understand what u say. Thank you from India

  5. So basically if I get an Roi of below 100% am I losing money if not associated with any interest? Does that mean I should strive for a higher Roi than 100%?

  6. Thank you for dumbing it down! Often when people make explaining-videos it's seems like they are talking to people who already know what they are talking about. So thank you! Will definitely take a lot at what other videos you have! 🙂

  7. Forgive my ignorance I’m new
    To this… Do I generate more “ROI” if I keep my profit in that stock? Or Will it generate as if it’s the same 100$ i put into it… If that is the case would it be smart to take my profit out then re-invest it into the same company…I hope that made sense lol.

  8. Ok now so.. where do you find this on an screen display interface say like Yahoo or on an investment platform under what to do the formula and crunch the numbers then?

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